Modeling High Current Pulsed Discharge in AA Battery Cathodes: The Effect of Localized Charging during Rest

New paper from us at ACS Applied Energy Materials (open access). We modeled the localized charging and discharging (i.e. balancing) that happens in a battery after a high current pulse. Great work by Dominick Guida in collaboration with Energizer.

I *wanted* this paper to be about adapting Marcus-type kinetics to MnO2 electrochemistry. But no matter what we tried, adapting a Butler-Volmer expression fit the data better. (AMH=asymmetric Marcus–Hush kinetics.)

Kinetics of sulfide-NMC batteries

A new paper led by Alyssa Stavola is out today. We study NMC cathodes with an argyrodite sulfide electrolyte. We find *kinetics* are ~13% of the same NMC with a liquid electrolyte, which we attribute to inactive NMC surface area.

We also use micro-XANES and XRF (shown above) to detect reduced Co2+ at the surface of the NMC. The bulk NMC is Co3+. This indicates CoS or Co3S4 at the interface.